Use the Import Data Tool

Make updates in bulk in the application itself, as opposed to using an API.

  1. Access the page where you want to perform bulk updates.

  2. Click Import data.

  3. Select the data you want to import from the Import data menu.

  4. Click Export current values for the selected import data.

    The data downloads in the selected format (CSV, Excel, or tab delimited).

  5. Open the exported file.

  6. Do the following in the file to make bulk updates in the Action column:

    • Enter Edit and update values for the corresponding site.

    • Enter Add and enter values for a new site on the corresponding row.

    • Leave blank to keep the existing values for the corresponding site.

  7. Save the file after making your updates.

  8. Go back to Import Data and click Choose file.

    Make sure the format matches the file in which you made your edits.

  9. Open the updated file.

  10. Click Import.

  11. Click Continue.